Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Back in Puisi the earlier

Back in the earlier story: Courageously our friends walked to Biology lab, but they had not yet reached their destination, they -this time the fifteenth five belasnya- see a, a form, a (actually what pronoun numbers for ghosts.

essentially headless figure dressed in priest walking towards them by carrying his own ... our friends directly ngacir return to their homes .. Hahaha .. sukurin challenging lu .. anyways .. that loh happens when small children https://pantunweb.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/menilai-cerpen-yang-dibuat-anak-anak/ likeBut many victims tablets sighting stories ga want 'Seeing', also do not have that sixth sense ability but instead.

given clay' like that happened to two friends of my former students on the eve Bazaar 5 years 96's. The story is about two in the morning, two of my friends, the R and D, is preparing a stand for bazaar. Two in the morning, they had just finished.

evening prayers in the mosque wearing shoes Both middle when viewed from the direction D chemical laboratory a Dutch http://cerpen78.tumblr.com/post/154184975271/berawal-dari-kata-kata-sampai-kehati soldier who was walking toward them awake and with guns drawn. My friends walked away, fortunately ga forget to bring shoes

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